
Realtime chat app using Django Channels - Python

Realtime chat app using Django Channels - Python

Create a Realtime chat app using Django Channels - Python

By Naveen Kumar

When not to use Flutter

When not to use Flutter

When creating iOS and Android apps, Flutter is often recommended because working with it is productive and efficient. But there are instances where Flutter may not really be the best fit.

By pravindia

How much does a basic Flutter App development cost?

How much does a basic Flutter App development cost?

Since 2018, "Flutter" has become the most adopted trend in app development industry. How did flutter become so popular so quickly?

By pravindia

Implement glassmorphism in your flutter app

Implement glassmorphism in your flutter app

Glassmorphism is a unified name for the popular Frosted Glass design. It focuses on a light transparent and blurred effect on a container that matched the background. However, when it comes to putting code into practise, things get a little more complicated for developers.

By pravindia

Why not Tailwind CSS?

Why not Tailwind CSS?

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first open-source CSS framework that provides a deep catalog of CSS classes and tools that lets you easily get started styling and customize your responsive website.

By pravindia

Download excel sheet with image in Android

Download excel sheet with image in Android

Do you know you can export excel sheet with images files in a a cell on it. We use exceljs on ionic capacitor to achieve it on Android device

By pravindia

Biometric Authentication inside Flutter App

Biometric Authentication inside Flutter App

In this article, we will look into biometric authentication and how it is achieved in a flutter. Biometric authentication systems compare a biometric data capture to stored, confirmed authentic data in a database.

By Naveen Kumar

CSS functions that save your life

CSS functions that save your life

Using CSS you cannot write functions to connect with database or an API call. But there are some built-in functions that helps to code better as a Front-end developer.

By pravindia

How to run the python code in the Flutter app?

How to run the python code in the Flutter app?

Running any language code in the background of the app is a bit tough process, to make it easy in the flutter here is a blog on it.

By Naveen Kumar

How to Develop Advanced UI in Flutter

How to Develop Advanced UI in Flutter

We have seen many beautiful UI created in Android studio and X codes but implementing those in flutter is bit difficult and complex, to be frank, we can make more beautiful and complex UI easily in a flutter. Let’s see how it is possible.

By Naveen Kumar

A deep study on CSS Units

A deep study on CSS Units

When you start learning about CSS you will come under a basic types of CSS units. There are many CSS unit notations. Here we go through various units and where it can be used effectively.

By pravindia

What Makes a UI Design look good?

What Makes a UI Design look good?

A good Interface is very essential because it is the entry point of customers for online businesses, this is where trust can be created between customers and businesses. There are lot of principles and plenty of strategy that goes into creating interfaces that facilitate user goals. In this blog we shall go through the very fundamentals.

By Aadharsh Kannan

Build Train and Deploy your Rasa Bot

Build Train and Deploy your Rasa Bot

Lets build a chat-bot to get the information from the user , train the bot and deploy in Heroku

By Naveen Kumar

How a great website will help improve business?

How a great website will help improve business?

We are in the digital era, where everything around us is done or made online. Learn how do your website helps to increase your sales and services.

By Sakthi Chandini

Learn React Basics in 10 mins

Learn React Basics in 10 mins

React is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook. React since its release on the year 2015, it evolved to be the most used language with a wonderful community developing resources.

By Jack

Bootstrap 5 is here!

Bootstrap 5 is here!

Bootstrap 5 very first alpha has arrived! Lets look on what are the new features, changes done and support added to all new Bootstrap 5. Bootstrap 5 alpha was officially released on June 16, 2020.

By pravindia

Best UX practices for website Content

Best UX practices for website Content

We all know very well that websites benefit businesses and is it an indispensable marketing tool and sites communicate to their users through content. The content on the website plays a crucial role in trying to achieve the goals the site is set out for.

By Aadharsh Kannan

Understanding the Basics of Rasa - Open source conversational AI

Understanding the Basics of Rasa - Open source conversational AI

Rasa Open Source is a machine learning framework to automate text and voice-based assistants.

By Naveen Kumar

Automate build and deployment for Flutter Apps

Automate build and deployment for Flutter Apps

Have you ever thought to automate of building and publishing your Flutter app in one click. If you have ever thought of building it, then you should start here.

By pravindia

A complete guide to Sass

A complete guide to Sass

Sass a.k.a Scss is the most mature, stable, and powerful professional grade CSS extension language in the world.

By pravindia

Introduction to Rive animations for Flutter

Introduction to Rive animations for Flutter

What makes Rive such a powerful animation tool for designers ? Basically for designers, Rive has the capabilities to..

By Aadharsh Kannan

Flutter + Firebase ML

Flutter + Firebase ML

ML Kit is a mobile SDK that brings Google’s machine learning expertise to Android and iOS apps in a powerful yet easy-to-use package. Whether you’re new or experienced in machine learning, you can implement the functionality you need in just a few lines of code.

By Naveen Kumar

Deno - What's different from Node JS

Deno - What's different from Node JS

Deno is a simple, modern and secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript that uses V8 and is built in Rust.

By pravindia

Basic terms in UXD!

Basic terms in UXD!

UX Design is all about studying people’s desires, goals and the feeling they get while working with your product, even if we speak about an online software, website or app.

By Ajay Karthik

Digital World | Retail

Digital World | Retail

How effects of COVID 19 will create an huge impact in the Ecosystem or beliefs of the Retail Sector .

By Jack

Dart Programming  - Tips and Tricks

Dart Programming - Tips and Tricks

To code faster and efficiently one must also learn the shortcuts of that programming language. Reduce your time of coding and make your Flutter app faster by knowing some of the tricks. Here we go….

By pravindia

Boosting Business through Chat bots? How we took advantage.

Boosting Business through Chat bots? How we took advantage.

We chalked out a plan to have a messenger bot interact with people on their social media and it worked wonders.

By Aadharsh Kannan

Angular | A beginner guide

Angular | A beginner guide

Angular is a platform for building mobile and desktop web applications.

By Gokulnath D

The Firefox re-brand. What it means to the fox moving forward.

The Firefox re-brand. What it means to the fox moving forward.

In line with the current trend “ is possibly the best phrase to describe Mozilla’s re-brand attempt.

By Aadharsh Kannan

Learn what's MongoDB | NoSQL

Learn what's MongoDB | NoSQL

Mongo DB , a (NoSql) Non-relational Database system which has a dynamic schema for unstructured data. It is more scalable, flexible and faster than any Relational Database.

By pravindia